I worked hard to get this done right, mind you. I dressed the children in red and white. I took lots of practice shots until I found just the right spot (making sure the Christmas tree was not fully in view since Hope pulls all of the ornaments off the bottom half when my back is turned and I got tired of putting them back on). I was ready. The problem was that my darling two-year-old did not want to sit in her sister's lap for pictures. She was not hungry. She was not sleepy. She just did not want to cooperate.
Pictures really are a big deal to me. I really wanted this to work. I did all I could think of to get her to smile long enough to snap one good shot. I bribed her with a lollipop. I did funny dances. I squeaked a duck and jingled some bells. Nothing was working. Then my older children had an idea. I turned a Dora DVD on and sat with the computer in my lap. It worked. We will have Christmas pictures after all. I thought I would share some of the shots that will not be mailed with the cards. Of course, maybe these are the ones I should send. I am certain we would get some laughs!
We had fun decorating for the holidays this week. I don't do anything fancy, but I do enjoy having a few lights along the fence and here and there inside the house. The lights give me joy. I especially enjoy turning them on early in the morning, when I am the only one awake. It's so peaceful and happy. Last year, I was reluctant to take my lights down, so I made heart shaped ornaments, painted them red, and hung them on the set of lights and garland hanging around my back door. I kept that set up until Valentine's Day. I considered making shamrocks and hanging on for another month, but I gave in and packed them away.
There are several ornament recipes online and in my numerous cookbooks, and I do not remember which one I used. (I know it was a really simple one!) Here is one I found that allows you to do the baking in the microwave. I think I'll try that this year!
4 c. all purpose flour
1 c. salt
1 1/2 c. water
Tempera or acrylic paint
String or ribbon
Clear acrylic or varnish
Do not eat the ornament!
Mix all ingredients in large bowl with your hands. Roll into a smooth ball. Roll dough 1/4" thick with rolling pin on waxed paper. If sticky, sprinkle more flour on wax paper. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters or table knife. Use a pencil to make a hole for a string to go through. Bake 4 to 5 minutes in microwave on high. Do one at a time. The time needed and the size/thickness can be changed for different projects. When cooled they can be painted with tempera/acrylic paint. Then sprayed with clear acrylic paint (or varnish) to seal out moisture.
Store in cool, dry place when not being used.
Lots o' fun!
Of course, I cannot end this post without a few important facts about Christmas.
What are the two most popular Christmas colors after red and green?
Silver and Gold.
Hanging a wreath on the front door comes from which ancient culture?
The Romans (or maybe the Persians, depending on what sources you check)
One more...What is the biggest selling Christmas single of all time?
"White Christmas"
A fun site for lots of things Christmas
1 comment:
Those pictures are great! They tell such a story! so much better than the "everyone posed perfect" shots. Love it!
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