I copied this Christmas meme from Angie , who copied it from another blog. I chose only what I wanted to answer since it was a bit long. I think the questions are fun!
1. When do you put up the Christmas tree? As soon as possible after Thanksgiving.
2. Real or Fake? Fake. Small enough to sit on a table (app. 3’). Charlie Brown would approve.
3. Lights? What color? Multi-colored, mini, not blinking.
4. Theme or No theme? No theme. Just small ornaments the children hang on the tree. Only the top half are left because Hope pulled them off every time I turned my back and I got tired of fighting that battle.
5. What’s under the tree? Gifts for the children.
6. Where do you hang your stockings? All seven hang above the dining room window. I love that you can see their silhouettes from outside.
7. Do you put lights on your house? No, but I put a string of lights along the fence and some on the steps railing. They looked pretty in the snow yesterday.
8. Got any outside lawn decorations? No.
9. Do you put up a nativity? No.
10. Do you hang mistletoe under the door? Yes, under the door between the living room and dining room. Sometimes I stand under it and clear my throat until Mark notices. :-)
11. Got a wreath on your front door? Yes.
12. Favorite Children’s Christmas TV show/cartoon? I like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I’ve always felt like I belong on the Island of Misfit Toys. I thought I enjoyed the Peanuts cartoons, but I’ve been watching some of them with my children lately, and I had forgotten how much yelling, insulting, and name-calling they have. I guess my ears were not as sensitive when I was a child (how sad). My children did not really enjoy watching.
13. Have you ever seen the Nutcracker Suite Ballet live? Yes, twice, and I enjoyed it.
14. Ever been to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas show? No, but I think it would be fun.
15. Ever gone to the movies on Christmas Day? No, but my brother often goes.
16. Did you know it’s the biggest day of the box-office? I knew a lot of people go that day. I did not know it was the biggest day.
17. Favorite Christmas book or story? The Gift of the Magi, The Legend of the Candy Cane . There are probably others that just aren’t coming to mind right now.
18. Do you stuff your stockings with any types of food? I stuff the children’s stockings with edible goodies and small toys. Hope and Elizabeth get coloring books this year. I’m not telling what the older children get because they sometimes read the blog.
19. Do you go to church on Christmas or Christmas Eve? No. I grew up in a small town and my church did not have Christmas services. The church we attend now does have a Christmas Eve service, which I would attend, but we will be at grandparents’ houses.
20. Have you ever gone Caroling? Yes, and when my children are a little older, I would like to do so again. It’s so much fun! (I hope I get to do all those things I keep putting off until I no longer have anyone in the house who wears diapers.)
21. Favorite Christmas Carol? I love Christmas music. We sometimes play it in July. I love it. One song that stirs my emotions every time is Mary, Did You Know. No one sings it better than my friend Dock, not Kathy Mattea, not Natalie Cole. He sings it with such heart and passion. He is a godly man with a strong, beautiful voice, and I always think of him and his wife this time of year. I really miss seeing them. (Don’t yell at me, Bonnie! I know she really knew, but it had to be hard to comprehend at the same time. It’s still a beautiful song.)
22. What’s your favorite Christmas cookie? All cookies are my favorite. I especially love monster cookies, which my friend Sheryl introduced me to many years/pounds ago. I’ll post the recipe some day.
23. Any “special” foods or candy that you only have at Christmas time? I can’t think of any. I can say that we always have banana pudding at holidays, except for the time my brother was away in the Navy. For some reason all the cooks decided we could not have his favorite dessert when he was not there. My cousin and I revolted and the pudding returned.
24. What do you eat on Christmas EVE? Dinner at my dad’s house: ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread, rolls, desserts, lots of other yummy stuff...
25. What do you eat on Christmas day? Dinner at my mom’s house: ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread, rolls, desserts, lots of other yummy stuff...
26. Do you like Eggnog? No, but Mark and the children really do.
27. Do you like candy canes? I don’t love them. I don’t love candy. I love cookies and cakes, unfortunately. I like giving candy canes to the children, though. They all enjoy them. They sometimes use them to stir hot chocolate.
28. Do you send Christmas cards (handmade or bought)? Yes (bought), but mostly to family and friends I do not see often. I include a picture of the children. This year, I included the address for my blog!
29. Do you make a “list”? Yes. Each child gets a gift you want, a gift you need, a gift to wear, and a gift to read. Extended family members receive baked goods. My dad gets homemade cinnamon rock candy. It gives me much joy to give him something I know he enjoys.
30. Do you shop on Black Friday? No!
31. ARE YOU READY FOR CHRISTMAS? For the most part. Shopping is finished, but there is baking to be done.
May your holidays be filled with joy, regardless of how you celebrate!
16 years ago
Oh, so not yelling at you.
It is my own personal issue and I did say I liked the song.
I learned so much about you through this list! I'm a bit jealous you're done with your shopping. I've still got to get some things for my 2 oldest who refuse to tell me what they want and I'm having a hard time thinking of things this year.
I enjoyed reading this! I did it on my blog. too!
Merry Christmas!
I had to laugh because I forgot to take one of your answers out! I changed it now :)
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