I will turn 40 in 2009. Yippee!
I have gained a lot of weight in my 30s, and I want to go into my 40s with a healthier body. I know it is stereo-typical to make weight loss a New Year’s Resolution, and that few people succeed, but I am going to try.
My weight-gain started about the time I turned 30, when both my metabolism and activity level decreased. Then, I had a few life changes: marriage, motherhood, cross-country move, career change, pregnancy, another cross-country move, another pregnancy (that’s zero to five children in just over two years), and other adjustments. It has been wonderful, but difficult, much more so than I anticipated. I have eaten my way through every stressful situation. I am still doing so, and that has to stop.
It is time for another change. I am concerned about my health, I am disappointed with the example I am setting for my children, and I am embarrassed about my appearance. I want to be slimmer, healthier, and more energetic as I raise my children and enjoy the coming years with my husband. I can do this.
I had a lot of success following the Weight Watchers Core Plan, but when life got hectic, I stopped going to meetings and got off plan before I reached my goal weight. I am slowly putting those pounds back on. WW recently changed their program and I am no longer a member, but the Core Plan worked for me, so I am going to try to follow it again. Basically, it requires eating healthy foods – fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fat-free (or low fat) dairy, whole grains – and limiting fat, breads, and sweets. There’s more to it, and I’ll talk more about that later, but since I feed seven people each day, and as much as possible I want us eating the same meals, this plan works for us.
Losing weight is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. It is harder than getting my master’s degree (but I had Pam to help me then). It’s harder than teaching high school English (but I had Denise, Jennifer, April, Clay, Jeff, Rebecca, and lots of other good friends and wonderful, dedicated educators by my side). More difficult than being single and taking care of my own home (but Dad and those great teenagers across the street, as well as other friends and family, helped). I know I am not alone, though. My family, who loves and encourages me, will support me. Maybe some of you will, too.
I already have some menus planned with lots of variety to keep things interesting. I will share recipes, tips, successes, and stumbles as I go. I may struggle and have to start over on the first day of every month. I may be reposting this goal a year from now. But this is important and all I know to do is keep trying.
So what about you? Does anyone else need to shed some pounds and work towards being healthier? Will you join me? If your jeans already fit nicely and you follow the food triangle each day, would you stop by on occasion and encourage me?
Today is day one. I can do this. If weight loss is also your goal, you can do it, too! Here we go!
16 years ago
You have gone from 0-5 kids more gracefully than anyone I can imagine!
As far as getting healthy, I need to do that. I really need to start moving more. Good luck with your goals!
Love your blog! You can do it, Bev!
From the perspective of someone who's a little farther along life's path (age 52, with one 26-year-old child) I can assure you that "Getting Fit by Forty" is one of the wisest decisions you'll ever make and one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.
You can do it, Bev!
Found you on SITS and I just turned 30 and over the last 5 years have gained 30 pounds..lol..I am trying to get back to my pre-kids weight which is 140, so I need to lose 45 pounds! HELP!! :) Your friend in bloggyland,
Hi there..
thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
I am also trying to get fit and definately want to lose weight.
I wish you much luck with your goals.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Every year I do this resolution. Within a few months I no longer follow it. I am hoping since I joined a couple of online groups, things will be different. We shall see.
Good luck to ya and Have a Happy New Year.
I will come by and give you encouragement!
I, too, would like to get healthier...lose weight and lower my cholesterol. I'm with you! Wandered over from SITS...Happy New Year!
I am pulling for you! I wanted to be fit by 40, too. I did get pretty fit...but didn't get the skinny with it. LOL. But I still work on that all the time. I'm with you that it is HARD. I will be 41 soon. ;)
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