Monday, January 19, 2009

My First Award!

I have not been playing in blog-land much lately, but I have been working hard to keep my home and our school in order. Neither is perfect, but I am happy with how things are going. I'm struggling with the weight thing, but each day I get out of bed determined to try again. More on that later, though. Before my gang climbs out of bed and sees this lovely layer of snow waiting for them to play in, I want to talk about my first award. I'm a little embarrassed to say that it has taken me almost two weeks to acknowledge the award, but I know that both of the homeschooling moms who shared it with me understand and would encourage me to continue focusing on family first. That's part of what is so wonderful about them.

My thanks to Tiffany and Michelle for passing along this award:

There are some rules that go with it. You need to link to the person who gave it to you. Then, name seven recipients of your own. Since I am still somewhat new to blogging, I'm not sure I know seven other bloggers well enough, so I am going to share with:

Bonnie, who is funny and lovely (and whose name I really love); she is most definitely the boss;

Suburban Correspondent, who is smart and sensible; she makes me laugh and will make you laugh, too; and

Mary, who is busy and sweet, and whose girls are so beautiful!

I know there are many more lovely blogs out there, and I will want to give this award many times over as I discover them...and I will probably do just that.

Have a wonderful day. I have some yummy recipes to share when time allows and I hope to have pictures of all of us playing in the snow later today, too. It's less than an inch, but we've been so eager to see the fluffy white stuff that we will take this gift with joy and mittens.



Suburban Correspondent said...

My children go ape if we get so much as an inch. If we are lucky enough to get more, "school" is cancelled and we go outside before it melts.

Thank you for the award - that's so sweet of you! Nice to meet you, also!

Mary said...

Yippee! Thanks for the award! It's a pretty one too! I love your new school room, especially the monitor! We thought about putting a webcam in the teen's "bonus" room where they hung out. But we decided instead to turn it into a "Man-Room" for my husband to escape from estrogen overload. I sure hope my Elizabeth grows into a happy helper like yours! What a good little girl! Thanks for the recipes, I am a cook without a clue and need the help. Often.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Thanks! You are too kind!
Congrats to you!

Stacy said... want to see snow and I am sick of seeing it. You can come get some out of my front yard if you, at least 2 feet out there. Hope you all had fun playing in what you had tho. :)

Tiffany said...

It sounds like you've got everything under control at your house! I'm impressed. We've gotten off to a pretty good start this January, but I'm ready for June ;-)